Taking the First Step

When a baby takes its first step, everyone holds their breath. I remember our oldest son took his first step on the ferry going to Prince Edward Island.  He was so excited to walk, he almost ran on his wobbly feet, back and forth between our arms. When a junior...

Reading Fluency: Is it at Risk Or Even Endangered?

The World Wildlife Federation sends me literature on animals at risk or endangered. Recently I read that the little Brown Bat and the Blanding’s Turtle, both located in Ontario are endangered due to loss of environment and disease. The increasing network of roads...

Rooting our Children through Real Life Experiences

My windowsill is full of tiny bedding plants- tomatoes, kale and basil. Actually, they are not so tiny any more, as some are growing out of their pots, with their roots creeping through the cracks. They appear ready for the vegetable garden, but the garden is not...

Exploring New Vistas: Going for the Gold!

Life is all about learning! The annual conference for NILD Canada held on April 22 and 23 at Tyndale University College was an amazing event! Educators, educational therapists, parents, administrators and others interested in education met together to learn and share,...

Write Local: Reflecting on Motivating Students to Write

I got a mug for my birthday which says “Read Local”. As I’m reflecting on the concept while sipping my morning coffee, I’m thinking how the “eating local” movement has spread into so many areas. Why don’t we track down our local authors more often? How do we write...