Professional Development
What We Offer
Are you an educator who would like…
- to improve your ability to ask questions and stimulate thinking in your classroom?
- to gain strategies to improve your students’ ability to think, reason, and process information?
- to better meet the needs of your most vulnerable students?
- tools to strengthen students’ skills in reading, spelling, math, and written expression?
- to be a part of producing competent and confident learners in your classroom and beyond?
As a training institution in the field of special education, we offer a variety of professional development opportunities for educators and parents.
As a training institution in the field of special education, we offer a variety of professional development opportunities for educators and parents.
In-Service Workshops
NILD Canada offers schools, centres, and educators professional development workshops to build an understanding of the impact of learning differences in various educational settings and to provide strategies for working with children and adults who struggle with learning difficulties.
These workshops can be requested as individual workshops, half day programs or full day programs, depending on the needs of your organization. NILD’s training methods are accredited by the International Dyslexia Association.
You may select from the following list or you may request a workshop more specific to your organization’s needs. To schedule an in-service or for additional information, please contact us.
NILD Canada Annual Conference
Each spring, we host an annual conference to provide ongoing professional development for NILD Educational Therapists, as well as educators and parents. We want to be a conduit for linking educators to current research that strengthens intervention methods and equips attendees to unlock the learning potential in all students.
Attendees will receive official NILD Canada certificates of attendance that can be used to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to maintain school or professional organization certification requirements.
Check out our Events to find out details on our next conference.
Educational Support Strategies Workshops
Does Your Classroom Cultivate Student Resilience?
Booker T. Washington once said, “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles overcome while trying to succeed.” Research has established that resilience is essential for a child to be successful. Learn about the different tools every teacher can use in the classroom to promote resilience.
Metacognition: Nurturing Self-Awareness in the Classroom
“Thinking about how one thinks”; is what neuroscientists call metacognition. Studies show that as students’ metacognitive abilities increase, they achieve at higher levels. Self-awareness plays an important role in how a student learns more efficiently. Improving metacognition in
schoolwork also improves a student emotionally and socially. Learn various strategies to implement metacognition learning into your classroom.
The Digital Age – How Technology is Affecting the Cognitive, Mental Health and Future of our Children
The effects of technology on children are perplexing, with both positive and negative outcomes. Whether technology supports or hinders the development of your child’s thinking is dependent upon many variables and research is slowly providing answers. We will take a deep dive into how cognition, executive functions, behaviour, mental health, and physical well-being are affected by screen time in the lives of our children.
Handwriting In The 21st Century
The handwriting/keyboarding debate is gaining momentum. Is cursive writing just an old and ancient tradition? Should it be replaced with keyboarding skills at a very young age? In this workshop, we will share some of the latest research on handwriting, how it engages the brain and why it is important for both the average and the struggling learner. Feel free to come and offer your opinion in this debate!
Beyond Memorization – The Importance Of Critical Thinking
It’s one thing to teach facts. It’s another thing to have our students understand concepts, explain the concepts, and then defend their answers. This is the crux of higher-level thinking – to guide them to think outside of the box! How can we as homeschool parents be intentional about developing these critical thinking skills in our children? In this workshop, we will share some educational insights and tools for making this leap in your teaching.
The Language Braid – Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Literacy
Linguistic knowledge is not elusive but must be directly taught. One avenue to develop critical thinking skills is to weave together essential literacy elements, rather than to focus on a single strand of language. This workshop will highlight how classroom curriculum can be used to develop critical thinking skills and linguistic flexibility.
Spelling: Orthographic Patterns And Memory
The ability to spell easily and automatically requires the skills to use a combination of knowledge of orthographic patterns and memory. This training will explore ways to enhance the teaching of spelling by developing the understanding of the orthographic patterns that exist within the English language.
Workshop Fees
Workshop: $350.00 (1 session)
Half day: $650.00 (2 sessions), $950.00 (3 sessions)
Full day: $1100.00 (4 sessions)
Please note:
- Travel and accommodation costs are not included
- Sessions are 60-75 minutes in length
Learning Differences Workshops
Executive Function – Air Traffic Control
Executive function strategies are an important foundation for helping children grow and develop their academic skills as well as building their confidence levels. Students who recognize how to use these strategies in working with their weaknesses and strengths also see improved grades. Learn how to implement and build an executive function culture in your classroom and how to foster strategies that will create confident and resilient students which create open gateways to success.
Upstairs, Downstairs, the Whole-Brained Child
Emotional intelligence and working memory are two aspects of executive function which play key roles in the “upstairs” brain of a child when making decisions and balancing emotions. In this workshop we will investigate the completed meta-analysis of evaluation studies showing improved academic accomplishments linked to strategic programs that train in social and emotional learning. Learn how to implement these learning strategies to create enriched classrooms and enhance struggling learners.
Those Inner Voices
The role that inner speech plays in education is significant. Many struggling learners have not developed the ability to self talk, creating impulsivity and comprehension difficulties. A teacher who is competent in the skills of questioning can influence a student’s ability to develop inner language.
Giftedness and Twice Exceptional Children
This workshop discusses two topics which often intersect as well – giftedness and twice exceptionality (2e). Learn how to identify giftedness in a student as well as students who may be gifted along with having a learning disability. Discover how to work with gifted and 2e students using effective cognitive and non-cognitive strategies. We will unpack topics such as communication, underachievement, self-management, perfectionism, peer relations, and effective interventions.
ADHD – Harness the Amazing Power!
Statistics today indicate that 5-15% of school-aged children, and even more adults, are affected by ADHD. But what truly is ADHD and are there other conditions that mimic the ADHD symptoms or can lead to it? This workshop will educate you on therapeutic solutions to symptoms that may impede academic performance as well as social well being.
Accommodations or Modifications: How to Create Effective Classrooms for Struggling Students
In this workshop we will explore real examples of accommodations and modifications for students with learning challenges. Participants will learn about the role of accommodations and modifications and the differences between each, as well as the tools and strategies that can assist both parents and educators. We will also give instructions on how to implement the IEP in the classroom and how to connect IEP expectations with report cards.
Rx for the Three R’s: Small Group Intervention
Some of our students just need a boost to give them the competence and confidence they need to get caught up to the rest of the class. These small group ‘Rx-prescriptions’ will help students discover new concepts using the Socratic method of questioning and mediation – all within the safety and with the benefits of a small group. Rx 4 Math helps students build and strengthen their number sense, math vocabulary, and problem-solving strategies. Rx for Reading builds and strengthens the 5 pillars of language into a language brain. Rx for Writing builds and strengthens grammar and writing mechanics. In this workshop, we will discuss how educators can train in this method to help students succeed!
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia
To what extent and why do developmental Dysgraphia, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia co-occur. In this session, we will briefly discuss the characteristics of Dysgraphia and Dyslexia along with intervention strategies to help a student struggling with these learning differences. However, most of the session will cover the topic of Dyscalculia in a three-fold manner: 1) uncover the signs and symptoms of this disorder 2) experience the struggles that students with dyscalculia face and 3) learn strategies to support students in their learning journeys.
Laziness, Late Bloomer or Learning Disability?
The age-old question—Is this child just being lazy? Is this child maturing at a slower rate? Or does this child have a learning disability? In this workshop, Diane will help de-mystify these questions and share strategies to help launch your struggling learner on the road to success. There is HOPE!
Transforming Struggling Students into Lifelong Learners
The age-old question—Is this child just being lazy? Is this child maturing at a slower rate? Or does this child have a learning disability? In this workshop, Diane will help de-mystify these questions and share strategies to help launch your struggling learner on the road to success. There is HOPE!
Help! Emotions Have Hi-Jacked My Child’s Brain
Learning to self-regulate emotions may take more brain power than you think! When they are in ‘fight or flight’, their reserves are drained, and their pre-frontal cortex is side-lined. They simply are not thinking clearly! These emotions influence our student’s attention, memory, executive function, critical thinking and more! In this workshop, we will learn how to identify stressors and consider strategies to help our students navigate their emotions, so they can succeed.
Identification of Learning Differences
You know your child has extraordinary ideas and knowledge but can’t seem to understand the math or reading lesson that you just taught. You’ve tried different strategies with little success. How can this be? Where is the glitch to make this so challenging? In this workshop, we will explore the building blocks of learning so you can begin to identify these learning differences and offer the support your child’s learning needs.
Dyslexia Demystified
Latest research has revealed that dyslexia affects 1 in 5 students. It can be a hidden disability although some have referred to it as a gift. Do all students learn how to read at the same rate? Why is it easy for some and harder for others? How do I know if my child has dyslexia? You’ve heard many people say, “Don’t worry, they’ll catch up”. In this workshop, we will help de-mystify these questions and encourage you on the journey!
Filling The Gaps: Enhancing Early Mathematical Concepts
Participants in this training will learn how to enable mathematical thinking especially by low performing students, as well as methods of intervention that address the gaps in mathematical thinking.
Fluency Factor
Research in reading fluency has indicated that there are specific approaches to reading practice that consistently improve automaticity and fluency for students with reading difficulties. This workshop will relate the techniques to the curriculum used by your school and review and practice the methods suggested.
Is The Cement Dry Yet?
This training will introduce you to a program of early identification and intervention developed by Archie Silver, M.D. (child psychiatrist) and Rosa Hagin, Ph.D. (psychologist) to meet the educational needs of young learners (K-1) before they experience the frustration of learning failure.
Expand your professional toolbox!
Learn new strategies for supporting your students.