
Research Proven

Our results are confirmed through data!

We aim to unlock an individual’s potential and infinitely expand each student’s horizons.

NILD not only has testimonials of academic performance transformed and lives changed, but testing data and the research studies below confirm the transformation we see.

Survey Reveals Significant Emotional and Social Gains for Students with Learning Disabilities

Parents, teachers and therapists will tell you that students with Learning Disabilities also struggle with organization, emotional regulation, attention and focus. In fact, students themselves will tell you that they struggle with these skills in addition to anxiety, low self-esteem and motivation. NILD Canada sent out a survey to find out how NILD Educational Therapy helped alleviate these struggles. We were so pleased to see the results!

We already knew that we were helping students build strong foundational skills to support academics as reported in our 2015 research study. This time we wanted to ask parents, therapists and students themselves what they had actually experienced emotionally and socially after one year of NILD Educational Therapy. And, over 100 people responded.

View the results here.

Is the Educational Therapy-based approach provided by NILD Canada effective in increasing test scores in school-age children in Ontario?

This analysis found that there was a statistically significant improvement in passage comprehension, applied problem solving as well as writing samples scores, after approximately 11 months in NILD Educational Therapy®, implying that the Educational Therapy techniques that NILD therapists use are indeed effective.

Examining the Effectiveness of Educational Therapy for School-Age Children: An Outcome Evaluation of NILD Canada

Victoria Fritz B.A., B.S.W., R.S.W.
Supervised by: Dr. Tricia van Rhijn and Dr. Laura Forbes

Does NILD Educational Therapy help students who are below average in reading and written language achievement improve these skills?

Not only did the students demonstrate yearly gains as would be expected within general education alone, their progress exceeded average gains and began to close the achievement gap between them and their peers… representing a significant improvement that allowed them to keep pace with the average achievement of their peers.

Effects of National Institute for Learning Development Educational Therapy for Students with Learning Difficulties

Kathy Keafer, Ph.D

Does the completion of an intensive, individualized program of NILD Educational Therapy affect the achievement scores in reading, spelling, and arithmetic for students with learning disabilities?

Students in this study demonstrated statistically significant gains over time in cognition and achievement on standardized measures.

A Study of the Effect of Interactive Language in the Stimulation of Cognitive Functioning for Students with Learning Disabilities

Kathleen R. Hopkins, Ed.D., 1996

Improving Educational Therapists’ Knowledge, Efficacy, and Practices Related to Developing Students’ Growth Mindsets

Self-efficacy and mindset are non-cognitive factors that can adversely or positively impact the reading achievement of students with learning disabilities (LD).  Teachers’ instructional practices can impact students’ self-efficacy and mindsets.  Educators desire to know more about students’ mindset beliefs and teacher instructional practices that may facilitate students’ growth mindsets.  This mixed-methods study explored the effect of a revised educational therapist certification training to address educational therapists’ need to become knowledgeable in the area of mindset beliefs and examine the corresponding educational impact on instructional practices and educational therapists’ self-efficacy beliefs for implementing growth mindset instructional practices.  Statistically significant differences were found for content knowledge, efficacy beliefs, and instructional practices.  Qualitative data also suggested that the revised educational therapist course positively affected educational therapists’ self-efficacy beliefs and instructional practices related to growth mindsets.

Executive Summary

Dissertation by Kristin Barbour, Ed.D., submitted to Johns Hopkins University

What was the effect of NILD’s Rx for Discovery Reading intervention on the reading abilities of elementary school students who were below grade level in reading?

Students in this study demonstrated statistically significant gains in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency.

An Analysis of Rx for Discovery Reading for Elementary Students Below Grade Level in Reading

Susan Stanley, Ph.D

Does NILD’s GET intervention compared with NILD’s IET intervention affect the reading and writing skills of children with reading problems?

Students in this study demonstrated statistically significant gains in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency.

Small-Group versus One-On-One Educational Therapy for Struggling Readers and Writers

Susan Stanley, Ph.D

The Use of Cursive Writing in a Digital Age: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Differences Between Modes of Transcription in Private Schools
Cursive writing is a skill that contributes to learning, yet in the digital age it is no longer considered a necessary part of the curriculum in America’s schools. Research demonstrates the importance of handwriting, particularly cursive, in the development of fluency, compositional complexity, and literacy skills. Because of the ever-expanding use of technology, it is necessary to understand the value that cursive brings to the thinking and writing process.


The Use of Cursive Writing in a Digital Age

Dissertation by Tony Ryff, Ph.D, submitted to Northwest Nazarene University


International Dyslexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) has accredited our teacher programs for students with dyslexia and reading difficulties. NILD’s Executive Director, Kristin Barbour, was invited by the IDA to serve on a committee to work on establishing the knowledge and practice standards of reading for IDA’s national assessment development. The IDA certifies university programs and individual organizations offering training in literacy. IDA commends NILD for our therapeutic, research- based, individualized approach, grounded in test and observational data, addressing all components of reading within a cognitive development framework.

The IDA noted these specific strengths:

  • Therapeutic Approach is research-based, individualized, and grounded in test and observational data
  • Components of reading are addressed within a cognitive development framework
  • Rich vocabulary development is emphasized in all segments of the therapy session
  • Assessment and progress monitoring is strong
    Diagnostic teaching is evident
  • Ethical standards for therapists are taught explicitly and monitored
  • Degree program is available and many therapists seek a Master’s of Education
    Search and Teach©
    Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment©
    NILD is endorsed to provide training for Search and Teach Early Intervention. Search and Teach is cited since 1980 in the USOE publication, Educational Programs that Work.

    Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment©

    The Feurerstein Institute has greatly influenced and contributed to the work of NILD in Canada and the United States since 1993.

    This research is great!

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