HELP! School is Out! What now?!

School is out! By now you’ve heard that both public and private school will be closed following March Break for at least two weeks. Schools may, or may not, be providing instructional materials and/or online academic support. But amid the confusion and uncertainty,...

Helping our Children to be Grateful

Many things are vying for our child’s attention and loyalty. Social media, electronic devices, extra-curricular activities and worldly pressures can drain our children’s time and distract them.  Helping our children be grateful will help them be grounded. The benefits...

Christmas is coming!

Have you looked at your calendars lately? Christmas is coming! I absolutely love the Christmas holidays, just ask anyone in my family! I love the spirit, the decorations, the smells, time with family, and the time to focus on the most meaningful things. Our family has...

Great Games for Christmas!

Show of hands: how many of you just can’t wait for your kids to get another noisy toy this Christmas? Anyone? How about something that requires multiple batteries? Or another video game or screen to monitor? Anyone? No. Not really. What will you suggest to loving...