Bring Back Silence, Wonder, and Solitude

Have you ever wondered what life is like for your child? What do they hear and do every day? Do they experience silence? How is life different from when you were growing up? Our children have everything at their fingertips. They don’t need to wonder if there are...

Reading Fluency: Is it at Risk Or Even Endangered?

The World Wildlife Federation sends me literature on animals at risk or endangered. Recently I read that the little Brown Bat and the Blanding’s Turtle, both located in Ontario are endangered due to loss of environment and disease. The increasing network of roads...

Summer Reading Ideas for Our Reluctant Readers

In the summer it can be difficult to encourage reading and help our children keep their brains active and their thinking skills sharp. One way to do this is to have them reading regularly. This may be challenging, especially if we have reluctant or struggling readers....

Make Meaningful Memories This Summer

The much anticipated summer is finally upon us and the school year is winding down. So now what?? How do we keep our kids who have challenges engaged and make memories that will be meaningful? We don’t want to just waste this precious time. And of course, we want to...