Therapy Works!

The Brain Can Change

Research indicates that thinking can be changed through intensive, focused intervention. Students can be trained to think for themselves rather than depending upon a teacher or parent to think for them. Language and thinking skills are interdependent so that when one skill develops the other is also strengthened.

Different than Tutoring

An educational therapy session goes far beyond tutoring. The focus of our individualized interventions is to strengthen the underlying causes of learning difficulties, rather than simply treating the symptoms as tutoring does. NILD Educational Therapy® teaches your student how to think rather than what to think. Tutoring typically focuses on content while educational therapy builds efficient learning processes.

The focus of NILD Educational Therapy is the development of clear, efficient thinking. Students are given tools to enable them to overcome specific learning weaknesses. NILD Educational Therapy is skill-oriented, improving basic learning skills so students can learn and retain content.

Students become better able to:
  • Direct focus and attention.
  • Apply self-regulation strategies. 
  • Develop thinking and planning skills.
  • Build visual and auditory skills for reading, writing and math.
  • Improve spelling & written expression.
  • Grow a deeper understanding of math concepts.  

Fostering Independence

Potential students for this program are those experiencing obvious frustration in areas of school performance. Poor spelling, illegible handwriting, inability to express thoughts verbally or in writing, and difficulty with reading and math are common indicators of a learning disability.

Learning disabilities are diagnosed through a battery of formal and informal tests administered by a psychologist. These tests measure and compare a students’ potential with their actual performance. Our masters-level trained NILD Educational Therapists use this testing data to plan and administer individual therapy sessions for each student.

The strategies learned in educational therapy will enable students to remain independent and successful throughout their school years. Learning disabilities can be addressed whenever they are identified, not just in childhood. The NILD techniques are effective regardless of age and can be adapted to all levels of functioning. 

NILD Educational Therapists Can Help

An NILD Educational Therapist receives standardized training to develop knowledge and practice standards that align with research-based best-practice methodologies. Our therapists are trained to develop language and thinking through effective questioning.

They mediate students to defend their answers and to reflect upon their thinking processes. Students transition from dependent learners to those who think and reason independently.

Why Enroll with an NILD Educational Therapist?
  • NILD Educational Therapists receive standardized master level training.
  • NILD Educational Therapists are held to high standards of ethical practice.
  • Using an NILD Educational Therapist protects the efficacy of NILD Educational Therapy methods.
  • Using an NILD Educational Therapist ensures your child is getting the highest quality educational intervention and support.
  • Using an NILD Educational Therapist ensures your child is receiving educational therapy proven to be effective.

The cost per session will vary depending on the length of the session, the therapist’s experience, and geographic location. NILD Educational Therapy is competitively priced compared to leading tutoring centres and other therapies. Schools with the NILD program generally charge a separate fee for educational therapy in addition to regular classroom tuition. 

NILD Educational Therapy Student Testimonials


Several research studies are available on the NILD Educational Therapy program. A dissertation has been completed with statistical data documenting our program’s effectiveness. Our intervention is accredited by the International Dyslexia Association and The Feuerstein Institute. Researchers in the field of educating the most vulnerable learners have seen the power of our intervention and publicly endorse our program’s effectiveness. However, parent testimonials and success stories of students having completed the program speak for themselves. Many are achieving honour roll status and are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. Read parent, student, and educator testimonials.

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