Bring Back Silence, Wonder, and Solitude

Have you ever wondered what life is like for your child? What do they hear and do every day? Do they experience silence? How is life different from when you were growing up? Our children have everything at their fingertips. They don’t need to wonder if there are...

Exercise is Good for the Brain!

Just as our bodies benefit from movement and exercise, so do our brains! Exercise is not only beneficial for our bodies to be fit and our hearts to be healthy, but for our brains to function more efficiently as well. Exercise has significant effects on the brain in...

5 Reasons to Attend NILD Canada’s Annual Conference

In this day of podcasts, webinars, and social media, why would an educator take the time to attend an educators’ conference? Furthermore, why would educators or parents choose NILD Canada’s Annual Conference? 5 Reasons to Attend the Conference Connect personally...

Flying Around with Words

Painters work with colour and form – Musicians work with sounds, rhythms – Poets work with words. Words are hard to pin down – they slither away from you, yet they are the best way we have of convening ideas, thoughts and emotions. (Bill Moore – Words that Taste Good)...