Having children with learning challenges can make life difficult. Simple, everyday activities can seem overwhelming. At times it may feel it is too hard and we may want to just give up. The challenges may seem impossible to surmount, but we must NEVER GIVE UP ON THEM!

There was a teacher who stood at the door of his classroom and shook the hands of each student as they came in. He did this every single morning. There was one young man who always refused to shake his hand. After many months of this the teacher finally stopped putting out his hand to shake this boy’s hand. At the end of the day, the boy went up to the teacher and said, “I never thought you would give up on me so easily.” That teacher learned a powerful lesson – NEVER GIVE UP ON THEM.

A mother shared this story with me. Her husband kindly asked their eight year old son to say the prayer before their meal. He immediately crossed his arms and said, “No.” His dad lovingly said, “Well, we will wait until you are ready.” The son proceeded to climb under the table and was very upset. They patiently waited fifteen minutes. Finally the son sat up, and offered the prayer. He thanked God for a loving family who never gives up on him.

Our children with challenges need our support. They need our patience – even, and especially, when they don’t seem like they want it. They need to know they are valued and worthwhile and that we will do everything we can to help them succeed. They need to know we will never give up!