Homeschooling A Struggling Learner

When a child receives a diagnosis of a learning disability or an attention disorder, there are myriad emotions that the parent experiences: “Is this my fault? Should I have caught this earlier? What hope can I have for my child’s academic and vocational future?” If...

Summer Solutions for Preventing Boredom

The summertime is a great opportunity to keep your children’s brains engaged – especially for those of us who have children with learning differences. After all the long hard work they (and we) have put in to their learning, we don’t want them to lose the...

At-home Resources for Struggling Readers

When you discover that your child has difficulties reading and writing, as a parent, you want to do whatever it takes to help them to overcome those difficulties. Unfortunately, with the busyness of life and school schedules, and the other expenses that creep in, it...

Make Meaningful Memories This Summer

The much anticipated summer is finally upon us and the school year is winding down. So now what?? How do we keep our kids who have challenges engaged and make memories that will be meaningful? We don’t want to just waste this precious time. And of course, we want to...